quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009

Activist Trauma

Foi criada uma plataforma de e para activistas, maioritariamente, no sentido de dar apoio a quem sofreu traumas, sejam fisicos ou psicológicos. Nada melhor para explicar este movimento do que os próprios, assim:

"About Us:
We are a bunch of anti-capitalist activists who have either experienced or been close to people who have been effected by PTSD or other forms of mental health issues. We are NOT experts about these issues (and if you are we would like to hear from you) but care deeply and want to help. Just by raising these issues we are helping to cure them.

This site is primarily for political activists who may be injured during or by their political activities and or struggling with other mental health issues related to activism. Hopefully much of the information is useful to other groups and individuals who either have to face violence or repression where ever it may come from. It seems that as a movement we have not sufficiently acknowledged the psychological effects of the brutality and stress that an increasing number of us are subjected too.
Supporting people who have been traumatized should be a central part of our activism, for without support and solidarity we can be easily picked off. This is not exciting or glamorous, it's hard work. However it can be rewarding, interesting and have very positive results. We may sometimes feel powerless in the face of all their power but we CAN help each other. "

Este movimento surge com a necessidade de falar sobre o trauma e na sua utilização consciente, nomeadamente por parte da polícia, como forma de contenção de expressão livre. "Trauma work is part of resistance." Trabalhar e tratar o stress pós traumático é importante e necessário a todos os que passaram por experéncias de violências, que, por vezes, parecem não ter consequências.

Informação sobre esta plataforma, importância e o porquê da formação deste grupo, contactos e formas de apoio em : http://www.activist-trauma.net/

"Activist all too often seem to put themselves last when it come to caring about people and planet. The macho attitude that “I'm fine” when they are clearly not or hassleing over-worked people to do more work when they are trying to take some time for themselves is counter productive.
We need to take care of our selves and those around us if we are going to be able to keep on resisting and having a good time doing it. This is mental as well as physical health issue."

2 comentários:

  1. É pena que tenha de vir dos próprios activistas uma iniciativa como esta, é inadmissível eu ter um maxilar partido devido a abuso de poder por parte da polícia e o estado sair e as forças policiais sairem ilesos. É caso para perguntar, mas quem nos defende da polícia?

  2. Não nos falta nada!

    Já temos censura.

    Já temos agressões policiais.

    Já temos quem ache tudo normalíssimo.

    Como diz o outro, é o país que temos!
