Para quem está interessado no ensino doméstico, unschooling, educação alternativa e coisas do género, deixo-vos uma lista de livros interessantes. A lista há-de continuar a crescer pois hei-de ir adicionando à medida que os for encontrando. Para os ler, basta clicar em cima do nome. Boas Leituras
E-Livros em Portugues
Sociedade sem Escolas - Ivan Illich
Diálogos Com Jovens Estudantes - Krishnamurti
O Desejo de Ensinar e a Arte de Aprender - Rubem Alves
Pedagogia do Oprimido - Paulo Freire
Dicionário Breve de Pedagogia - Ramiro Marques
Educação Comunicação Anarquia - Guilherme Correa
E-Livros em Inglês
How Children Fail John Holt
Instead of Education - John Holt
Teach Your Own - John Holt
The Underachieving School - John Holt
Never Too Late - John Holt
What do I do Monday? - John Holt
Sharing Treasures - John Holt
Danger: School! IDAC Document
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling John Taylor Gatto
The Exhausted School - John Taylor Gatto
Underground History of American Education John Taylor Gatto
Compulsory Miseducation Paul Goodman
Teaching as a Subvertive Activity - Neil Postman & Charles Weingartner
Against Education: For the Abolition of School
School, Society & The Future
Deschooling Society - Ivan Illich
Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing - A S Neill
Free from School by Rahul Alvares
School is Dead Everett Reimer
Toward the Destruction of Schooling Jan D Matthews
How To Get An Education At Home Pat Farenga
None Dare Call It Education (How Schools Dumb Us Down) (1999) Stormer
The Animal School
Black and Other UK Home Educators' Booklet
Christian Homeschooling Minus the Stress by Sue Rumsley
Problematising home education - Daniel Monk
Unschooling Media - Vanessa Bertozzi
Home School Your Child for Free by Laura Maery Gold and Joan M. Zielinski - Excerpt
The Montessori Method - Maria Montessory
The Education of the Child - Dr. Rudolf Steiner
Discussions with Teachers - Dr. Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Books
Education and the Significance of Life - Jiddu Krishnamurti
Beginnings of learning - J. Krishnamurti
Krishnamurti on Education Jiddu Krishnamurti
Letters to the Schools Volume 1 Jiddu Krishnamurti
Life Ahead Jiddu Krishnamurti
Education by Swami Vivekananda
What's Wrong With The World - G.K.Chesterton
Democracy and Education - John Dewey
Fundamental Education V.M. Samael Aun Weor
The History of Education Ellwood P. Cubberley
Education for Destruction -Bessie R Burchett
The Children Trap - R, Thoburn
The Subversion of Australian Education (Subversion of All Education Systems Worldwide by UN - Wallis
The Child Seducers John Steinbacher
Fifty Major Thinkers on Education ~ From Confucius to Dewey - Routledge
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